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Philanthropy at RBC

We are excited to be partnering with the Pacific Whale Foundation for RBC 2024! Below is information on the organization and our philanthropy events during the conference. Click below to check out the Pacific Whale Foundation website and leave a donation if possible! If you decide to leave a donation, let them know you are an RBC attendee!

Pacific Whale Foundation

The Pacific Whale Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of marine life and the protection of the ocean. Through its multifaceted approach, the foundation addresses key issues threatening the well-being of whales and dolphins. In the realm of conservation, the foundation focuses on mitigating the five major threats identified through ongoing research: vessel collisions with marine animals, unsustainable tourism, marine plastic pollution, bycatch, and climate change. Through public policy and advocacy initiatives, the foundation mobilizes community support for ocean protection, striving to create a collective effort towards sustainable practices. In the realm of education, the foundation engages in student programs and activities that inspire the next generation of ocean protectors, fostering a sense of responsibility for the marine environment. By integrating research, education, and conservation programs, the foundation aims to safeguard the ocean and its inhabitants, inviting individuals to join in the crucial effort to protect the world's oceans. 


RBC Philanthropy Event

Our service event involves a cleanup operation across various areas surrounding the Willamette River. The river eventually flows into the ocean affecting the impact on marine life, our focus is on mitigating this influence. Equipped with gloves and trash bags, participants will engage in direct cleanup efforts to remove debris and waste from areas. In addition to this hands-on approach, there will be alternative participation options to accommodate various preferences and abilities. Through these collective efforts, our goal is to enhance the quality of life for marine species by directly addressing and alleviating the environmental challenges posed by river pollution.

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